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Supporting data associated with a study of the fluorescent lifetimes of eleven oil and oil distillates in artificial seawater are given. The table is a list of the oil and oil distillate names along with the associated sample numbers used in this study and their API densities.

The excel data file contains lifetimes as a function of emission wavelength for different oils and oil products shown by sample number. The lifetimes were measured with a Horiba DeltaFlex Lifetime System that uses pulsed diode light sources. There is a separate sheet for each excitation source: 268, 285 and 348 nm. Lifetimes were well fit to a tri-exponential model with 3 lifetime components: an intermediate T1, a long-lived T2 and a short-lived T3. These data tables also include the fractional population B for each lifetime component and the chi squared values for the fit. Average values and standard deviations are reported.

The figure shows the excitation-emission matrix spectra of oils and oil products in artificial seawater acquired with a Horiba Aqualog fluorometer. Excitation wavelength is on the x-axis and emission wavelength is on the y-axis. The color scale is fluorescence intensity in microvolts ranging from low (blue) to high (red). The wavelength range used here is that typically used in studies of dissolved organic matter (DOM). The oils show peaks in what is typically assigned to protein peaks in DOM spectra (excitation = 270-280 nm; emission 300-380 nm).

A table with the oil sample names and numbers is available through the blue download button at the top of the page. More files are available below.






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