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The Planet, Fall 2012, The Modern Farm Issue



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Publication Date

Fall 2012


Western Washington University. Associated Students. Environmental Center; Huxley College of the Environment; Huxley College of Environmental Studies

Editor in Chief

Rogers, James


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Brenna Greely; Story Editors: Preston VanSanden, Nick Thomas; Science Editor: Tanner Humphries; Multimedia Editor: Taylor Russell; Designers: Al Gandy, Becca Taylor; Web Designer: Andrea Frye; Writers: Khalics Bryant, Mary Lyle, Carla Galland, Dan Langager, Katy Verwest, Susanne Longanecker, Jens Perrin, Elizabeth Midgorden; Multimedia Writers: Ashley Smith, Chris Jespersen; Photographers: Maryanne Murray, Jordan Rodriguez-Whitford, Billie Weller, Tim Seguin, Jackson Lee

Photography Editor

Owens, Lauren


Paci-Green, Rebekah

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by The Planet and Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Table of Contents

Future after the Farm by Jens Perrin

The Food Bank Farm provided 35,000 pounds of fresh produce to the Bellingham Food Bank in the 2012 harvest season alone. After seven years of operating, the farm is closing to allow more funds to go into bulk purchasing of foods.

Organics Start with Seeds by Khalics Bryant

Techno Farming by Mary Lyle

Farm Fresh by Elizabeth Midgorden

Bovine Harvest by Dan Langager

Whatcom dairy farmers participate in the world-wide market of selling cow herds’ genetics. Bovine embryos from the county have appeared in over 25 countries all over the earth. Some farmers keep their genetics in house and advance the farm’s productivity.

The Perfect Berry by Katy Verwest

Growing Cloud Mountain by Susanne Longanecker

Ghost in the Soil by Carla Galland

In 2009 and 2010 herbicides accidentally traveled from hay fields, through cows, into manure and sold as compost to farmers who unknowingly spread the contaminated compost on their crops. Tomatoes, beans, and sunflowers were among the plants damaged most.




Publication at Western Washington University

Geographic Coverage

Washington (State)


Environmental Sciences | Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student publication, Ecology, Environmental Studies

Document Type


Subject-Topical (LCSH)

Human ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals; Ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Huxley College of the Environment--Students--Periodicals


This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to The Planet, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.





The Planet, 2012, Fall

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