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The Planet, Winter 2015, The 35th Anniversary



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Publication Date

Winter 2015


Western Washington University. Associated Students. Environmental Center; Huxley College of the Environment; Huxley College of Environmental Studies

Editor in Chief

Carlson, Beth


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Editors: Ryan Evans, Shelby Rowe, Yvonne Worden; Multimedia Editor: Kramer Janders; Science Editor: Sam Carlos; Designers: Erica Kutz, Enkhbayar Munkh-Erdene; Assisting Designer: Nicole Rogers; Web Designer: Keghouhi Bedoyan; Multimedia: Daniella Beccaria, Beatrice Harper, Jesse Nichols; Writers: Karen Chlosta, Elise Dresel, Jonathan Hucke, Marissa Jacobsen, Graham O’Keefe, Nick Peterson, Alyssa Stoller, Ryan Tabb, Rebekah Way, Kate Welch; Photographers: Madeleine Banks, Alex Bartick, Reese Bowen, Katie Sawyer

Photography Editor

Janders, Kramer


Paci-Green, Rebekah

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by The Planet and Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Table of Contents

A Grizzly Wilderness by Ryan Tabb

Less than two dozen grizzly bears roam the North Cascades, but new efforts may bring the species back.

Toxic Turf by Elise Dresel

A University of Washington soccer coach suspects turf made from recycled tires is causing cancer.

Alcoa Revived by Kate Welch

After a hiatus, Alcoa Intalco Works is smelting aluminum once again.

Trash Talk by Marissa Jacobsen

Roosevelt Landfill in southern Washington is converting trash to energy.

Genetic Timekeeper by Sam Carlos

A plant’s DNA sequence may be used to clock geological events.

Downsized Development by Nick Peterson

Small apartments are causing a big stir among Capitol Hill residents.

Life After Planet by Planet Alumni

Planet alumni tell stories about which they are passionate.

Dam Travesty by Shelby Rowe

A former civil engineer ends his career to advocates for the removal of the lower Snake River dams.

Rotting Away by Kay Molten

A bacterial infection plaguing elk in southwest Washington causes them to limp on bloody stubs.

Silent Forest by Alex Bartick

Hidden in the Hoh Rainforest is one square inch virtually absent of human noise.




Publication at Western Washington University

Geographic Coverage

Washington (State)


Environmental Sciences | Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student publication, Ecology, Environmental Studies

Document Type


Subject-Topical (LCSH)

Human ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals; Ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Huxley College of the Environment--Students--Periodicals


This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to The Planet, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.





The Planet, 2015, Winter

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