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The Planet, Fall 2017, The Education Issue



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Publication Date

Fall 2017


Western Washington University. Associated Students. Environmental Center; Huxley College of the Environment; Huxley College of Environmental Studies

Editor in Chief

Betcher, Keiko


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Allura Peterson; Editors: Madison Churchill, Tyler Kendig, Meghan Schilling, Mikhaela Woodward; Multimedia Editor: Jonathan Pendleton; Science Editor: Erik Faburrieta; Designers: Andy Lai, Frances Dierken, Stephen Smith, Presley Sytsma; Writers: Mallory Cooke, Elizabeth Cutler, Jonathan Flynn, Colton Gully, Isa Kaufman-Geballe, Sophia Pouches, Colleen Sawyer, Emily Stout, Justin Thompson; Photographers: Alaina Bash, Hannah Gabrielson, Hailey Hoffman, Ben Knoot, Greta Lozada

Photography Editor

Hitchner, Mike


Cornwall, Warren

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by The Planet and Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Table of Contents

Captaining the Tide

Traditional reef net fishing is returning to the waters of the Lummi as a way to revive cultural heritage.

Translating Sustainability

Sophorn Sim educates immigrants and refugees in South Seattle on local environmental issues.

No Child Left Inside

Outdoor preschools, an alternative to traditional early-learning education, can soon become certified under a new bill.

The Chosen One

Smak I’ya’, Lummi language teacher, is at the forefront of Washington's transition to a curriculum that incorporates indigenous cultures.

Caught Between Extremes

Activists and farmworkers protest at Sarbanand Farms near Sumas, Washington, following the death of a migrant worker.

A Dying Tradition

Moles Farewell Tributes in Bellingham, Washington, offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional funeral services.




Publication at Western Washington University

Geographic Coverage

Washington (State)


Environmental Sciences | Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student publication, Ecology, Environmental Studies

Document Type


Subject-Topical (LCSH)

Human ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals; Ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Huxley College of the Environment--Students--Periodicals


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The Planet, 2017, Fall

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