"Augmented eccentrics: acute effects on jump performance" by James Matson

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Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Health and Human Development

First Advisor

Suprak, David N. (David Nathan)

Second Advisor

Brilla, Lorraine R., 1955-

Third Advisor

Cunningham, Wren L.


The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effect on countermovement jump performance when augmenting the eccentric load via the use of external resistance. Female subjects (n= 12) were recruited from the Western Washington University Division II NCAA volleyball team. The augmenting protocol involved the athletes holding Sandbells® at their side during the lowering phase, dropping them before the bottom of the countermovement, and immediately performing an explosive jump. The results indicated no significant effect of augmenting the eccentric phase with 28.98 ± 4.10 % of BW on performance measures that included: jump height, pre-load, modified RSI, peak power output (PPO), or concentric phase AveIEMG of either the vastus lateralis or medial gastrocnemius. Statistical analysis was carried out using paired samples t-tests, with an alpha value set a p = .01. Effect sizes showed a moderate effect of augmenting the eccentric phase on concentric medial gastrocnemius AveIEMG which needs to be interpreted with caution due to the non-significant difference in AveIEMG between conditions. The results demonstrated an ability to maintain performance with an augmented external load. Due to no significant performance enhancement in any of the measured variables it is suggested that AE protocols may not be ideal for female volleyball players but may still be valuable in more experienced jump trained populations.






Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Leg--Muscles; Jumping; Exercise--Physiological aspects; Volleyball--Training; Volleyball for women--Physiological aspects




masters theses




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