"Heavy elastic vs. white tape: the effect of ankle taping on ankle rang" by Laura B. Grambo

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Date of Award


Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)


Health and Human Development

First Advisor

Row, Brandi

Second Advisor

Brilla, Lorraine R., 1955-

Third Advisor

Suprak, David N. (David Nathan)


Previous research has found that with exercise, athletic tape loses some of its restricting properties. Different kinds of tape have been developed in order to decrease this change in restriction. The effects of heavy elastic tape were compared with white tape after fifteen minutes of multi-directional exercise. Twenty-seven volunteers participated in the study. Subject's ankle range of motion (ROM) was measured and a manual goniometer before the application of the tape, immediately after application of tape and after 15 minutes of multi-directional exercise. Range of motion was measured in four directions: plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, eversion, and inversion. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS in a two-way repeated measures ANOVA for the main effects of Time and Condition, as well as an interaction effect of Time of Condition. If these effects were found to be significatn (p.<.05), then a paired t-test was performed with the effect. White tape and heavy elastic tape both restricted ankle range of motion immediately after application in a similar manner. After 15 minutes of exercise, both tapes restricted ankle motion in a comparable manner across three of the four ranges of motion (plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, eversion), but heavy elastic tape restricted inversion ROM greater than the white tape (mean change = 1.77 ± 2.96°, p<.001, r=0.52). Therefore, heavy elastic tape maintained a greater restriction in inversion ROM at the end of exercise, and may therefore be a better choice than white tape for an athlete recovering from an inversion ankle sprain and/or lateral instability, at least during a short therm (15 minute) exercise session.






Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Bandages and bandaging--Physiological effect--Evaluation; Adhesive tape--Physiological effect--Evaluation; Ankle--Wounds and injuries--Treatment; Joints--Range of motion; Sprains--Sports--Treatment




masters theses




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