"The Effect of Structural Integration on Ankle Joint Position Sense and" by Sarah A. Viera

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Spring 2015

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Health and Human Development

First Advisor

Suprak, David N. (David Nathan)

Second Advisor

Brilla, Lorraine R., 1955-

Third Advisor

San Juan, Jun G.


Structural integration (SI) is a manual therapy created by Ida Rolf that focuses on whole body functionality. The mechanisms and effectiveness of the treatment are still not well known but may rely on fascia, which is affected largely by tension and has proprioceptive capabilities based on the function of mechanoreceptors. The purpose of this study was to determine if SI could affect ankle joint position sense (JPS) and balance, both proprioceptive, in recreational soccer players.

Twenty subjects were randomly assigned into two groups; the treatment group underwent 10 SI sessions and the control group had no treatment. JPS was assessed with an iPod application to measure joint replication error of three angles within dorsiflexion and plantarflexion. Balance was evaluated with center of pressure (COP) excursion, in the mediolateral (COPx) and anteroposterior (COPy) directions, as measured by a force platform during four conditions of a balance test.

There was not a significant group, time, and angle interaction for joint replication error (F[4, 68] = 0.108, p = 0.979), but there was a significant interaction between angle and group (F[2, 68] = 4.834, p = 0.014). For balance, there was not a significant three way interaction between time, group, and condition for both COPx (F[1.740, 31.326] = 1.293, p = 0.285) and COPy (F[1.295, 23.318] = 1.673, p = 0.212) excursion but there was a significant time and condition interaction for both COPx (F[1.740, 31.326] = 9.699, p = 0.001) and COPy (F[1.295, 23.318] = 1.673, p = 0.030).

Excursion reduced over time across all conditions, but this appears to be a learning effect as, both groups improved significantly. JPS improved non-significantly in the treatment group. It is possible that improvements occurred in the treatment subjects but the parameters chosen did not reflect these changes.






Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Rolfing; Ankle--Stability; Proprioception; Equilibrium (Physiology); Soccer players




masters theses




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