Presenter Information

Katie HurshFollow

ProMuteHT 2.0: High-throughput In Silico Generation of Protein Mutants

Presentation Type



Understanding how the structure of a protein changes with an amino acid substitution is vital for both the advancement of medicine and protein docking studies. In vitro experiments are both time and cost prohibitive, and may require months of wet lab work to mutate and determine the structure of the mutant via X-ray crystallography. In this work we are developing a program for generating in silico protein mutants. Our software ProMuteHT provides a high-throughput platform to generate a large number of mutants with a simple command line interface. ProMuteHT is different from other in silico approaches in that it relies on the structure of the protein as a seed for generating a mutant, rather than using complex and expensive energy calculations.

Start Date

10-5-2018 12:00 PM

End Date

10-5-2018 2:00 PM



Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Proteins--Research; Amino acids







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May 10th, 12:00 PM May 10th, 2:00 PM

ProMuteHT 2.0: High-throughput In Silico Generation of Protein Mutants

Understanding how the structure of a protein changes with an amino acid substitution is vital for both the advancement of medicine and protein docking studies. In vitro experiments are both time and cost prohibitive, and may require months of wet lab work to mutate and determine the structure of the mutant via X-ray crystallography. In this work we are developing a program for generating in silico protein mutants. Our software ProMuteHT provides a high-throughput platform to generate a large number of mutants with a simple command line interface. ProMuteHT is different from other in silico approaches in that it relies on the structure of the protein as a seed for generating a mutant, rather than using complex and expensive energy calculations.