Research Mentor(s)
Duffy, Erin M.
The Next Generation Science Standards call for science learning be composed of scientific practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas, i.e. “three-dimensional." The class SCED 201 at Western uses the Next Generation Physical Science and Everyday Thinking curriculum, whose publishers claim it to be three-dimensional. A revised version of the Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol (3DLAP), was used to analyze one unit of the curriculum. Knowing how to revise learning opportunities to engage with each of the three dimensions, will help provide students with learning in line with the NGSS. This poster presents the results of the 3DLAP analysis, and an example of how to adapt a 1-dimensional question to engage students in each of the three dimensions.
Document Type
Start Date
18-5-2020 12:00 AM
End Date
22-5-2020 12:00 AM
Elementary Education
student projects, posters
Subjects – Topical (LCSH)
Next Generation Science Standards (Education); Science--Study and teaching
NGSS; 3-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol; 3-Dimensional Learning; Next Gen PET
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Preparing Future Teachers in the Age of NGSS: An Investigation of a Preservice Teacher Curriculum
The Next Generation Science Standards call for science learning be composed of scientific practices, crosscutting concepts, and disciplinary core ideas, i.e. “three-dimensional." The class SCED 201 at Western uses the Next Generation Physical Science and Everyday Thinking curriculum, whose publishers claim it to be three-dimensional. A revised version of the Three-Dimensional Learning Assessment Protocol (3DLAP), was used to analyze one unit of the curriculum. Knowing how to revise learning opportunities to engage with each of the three dimensions, will help provide students with learning in line with the NGSS. This poster presents the results of the 3DLAP analysis, and an example of how to adapt a 1-dimensional question to engage students in each of the three dimensions.