Performance Art and Resisting Intrusion

Research Mentor(s)

Miller, Barbara


Employing three performances, Carolee Schneemann’s Up to and Including Her Limits, Regina Jose Galindo’s Blind Spot, and Marina Abramovic’s Role Exchange, I look at the politics of female nudity in the gallery. Historically, women's bodies have only entered the space via media such as painting or sculpture. These women artists not only bring their bodies into the gallery, but explore crucial art related issues. For example, Schneemann looks at the issue of mark making, but ironically demonstrates limitations placed on the body. Suspending herself from the ceiling, she transforms her body into a material object on display. Performing for a blind audience, Galindo brings not so much the nude female body into the gallery but highlights the sensuousness of touch. Perhaps most explosive is Abramovic, who switches places with a prostitute, bringing not only sexuality but sex itself. Through my research, I will present a comparative analysis to describe how each work disrupts the notion of the female body as an intrusion in museum spaces. Each artist uses their body to defy the physical limitations of the museum, allowing for a reclamation of the museum space, while simultaneously resisting a history that holds masculine desire synonymous with the female body.

Document Type


Start Date

18-5-2020 12:00 AM

End Date

22-5-2020 12:00 AM


Art History


student projects, posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Conceptual art; Nude in art; Human figure in art; Interactive art




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May 18th, 12:00 AM May 22nd, 12:00 AM

Performance Art and Resisting Intrusion

Employing three performances, Carolee Schneemann’s Up to and Including Her Limits, Regina Jose Galindo’s Blind Spot, and Marina Abramovic’s Role Exchange, I look at the politics of female nudity in the gallery. Historically, women's bodies have only entered the space via media such as painting or sculpture. These women artists not only bring their bodies into the gallery, but explore crucial art related issues. For example, Schneemann looks at the issue of mark making, but ironically demonstrates limitations placed on the body. Suspending herself from the ceiling, she transforms her body into a material object on display. Performing for a blind audience, Galindo brings not so much the nude female body into the gallery but highlights the sensuousness of touch. Perhaps most explosive is Abramovic, who switches places with a prostitute, bringing not only sexuality but sex itself. Through my research, I will present a comparative analysis to describe how each work disrupts the notion of the female body as an intrusion in museum spaces. Each artist uses their body to defy the physical limitations of the museum, allowing for a reclamation of the museum space, while simultaneously resisting a history that holds masculine desire synonymous with the female body.