Research Mentor(s)
Boudreaux, Andrew
Problem solving interviews were used to investigate student understanding of energy concepts in a biology course for preservice K-8 teachers. Interview subjects constructed an energy-based explanation for a biology scenario. Subjects had previously taken a physics course in which an energy-based model for interactions had been developed. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed to identify common themes in student reasoning. These themes describe discipline-specific understanding, but also cut across disciplines, providing insight into how learners make sense of energy as a unifying concept.
Document Type
Start Date
18-5-2020 12:00 AM
End Date
22-5-2020 12:00 AM
student projects, posters
Subjects – Topical (LCSH)
Energy transfer; Energy transition; Biology; Physics
Transfer, Cross-Disciplinary Learning, Energy, Teacher Education
Poster Talk
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Included in
Investigating Transfer of Energy Concepts Learned in Physics to Biology Contexts
Problem solving interviews were used to investigate student understanding of energy concepts in a biology course for preservice K-8 teachers. Interview subjects constructed an energy-based explanation for a biology scenario. Subjects had previously taken a physics course in which an energy-based model for interactions had been developed. Interviews were transcribed and analyzed to identify common themes in student reasoning. These themes describe discipline-specific understanding, but also cut across disciplines, providing insight into how learners make sense of energy as a unifying concept.