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Presentation Abstract

The Strait of Georgia Data Centre (SGDC) is a one stop shop for ecological, environmental, and human use information for the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. The SGDC is tailored towards open access to marine data, with guiding principles of sharing, informing, and promoting learning. Furthermore, at the SGDC users can find data from various organizations that might otherwise be sitting on a shelf. These data and more are available through the SGDC Marine Data Portal and brought to life visually through the SGDC Map Catalogue. In making marine data more accessible, the SGDC strives to ensure that users have the information they need to protect salmon and their marine habitat. This presentation by Data Centre GIS Specialist, Ben Skinner, focuses on the various components of the Strait of Georgia Data Centre website, from the GeoNetwork based open data portal, ArcGIS Hub style map catalogue, web-based oceanographic atlas, and more. In reviewing these components, attendees will learn how Data Centre staff dynamically bring a range of engaging marine information to their user base.

Session Title

Poster Session 1: Applied Research & Climate Change

Conference Track

SSE14: Posters

Conference Name

Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (2022 : Online)

Document Type


SSEC Identifier


Start Date

26-4-2022 4:00 PM

End Date

26-4-2022 4:30 PM


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Apr 26th, 4:00 PM Apr 26th, 4:30 PM

Components of the Strait of Georgia Data Centre

The Strait of Georgia Data Centre (SGDC) is a one stop shop for ecological, environmental, and human use information for the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia. The SGDC is tailored towards open access to marine data, with guiding principles of sharing, informing, and promoting learning. Furthermore, at the SGDC users can find data from various organizations that might otherwise be sitting on a shelf. These data and more are available through the SGDC Marine Data Portal and brought to life visually through the SGDC Map Catalogue. In making marine data more accessible, the SGDC strives to ensure that users have the information they need to protect salmon and their marine habitat. This presentation by Data Centre GIS Specialist, Ben Skinner, focuses on the various components of the Strait of Georgia Data Centre website, from the GeoNetwork based open data portal, ArcGIS Hub style map catalogue, web-based oceanographic atlas, and more. In reviewing these components, attendees will learn how Data Centre staff dynamically bring a range of engaging marine information to their user base.