Microplastics in the Salish Sea: A wholistic approach

Streaming Media

Presentation Abstract

Plastic production has increased globally at an exponential rate and with it so has marine plastic pollution. The Salish Sea is home to many ecologically and economically important species as well as substantial urban populations, making it one of the most interesting and important locations to study regional microplastic sources and contamination. The field of marine microplastics is rapidly growing, doubling roughly every year; the Salish Sea has been involved in research since 2008, developed NOAA’s marine debris methods. This panel aims to highlight the wholistic approach of marine microplastic research and removal efforts in the Salish Sea through examining how types of samples (sediment, water, organism etc.), spatial-temporal scales, and methodologies, can be utilized and applied to community-driven questions. Here, we discuss the field from multiple perspectives, including academic, NGO, government, policy, BIPOC youth, and businesses from the US and Canada. We will delve into the intricacies of how regional microplastic research goes beyond tradition published and peer reviewed scientific papers, often including work done with community members, volunteer groups, students, and activists. We are committed to reducing marine plastic pollution and believe that working together through a combination of science, policy, and public awareness are necessary.

Session Title

Microplastics in the Salish Sea (Panel)

Conference Track

SSE10: Contaminants

Conference Name

Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (2022 : Online)

Document Type


SSEC Identifier


Start Date

27-4-2022 1:30 PM

End Date

27-4-2022 3:00 PM


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Apr 27th, 1:30 PM Apr 27th, 3:00 PM

Microplastics in the Salish Sea: A wholistic approach

Plastic production has increased globally at an exponential rate and with it so has marine plastic pollution. The Salish Sea is home to many ecologically and economically important species as well as substantial urban populations, making it one of the most interesting and important locations to study regional microplastic sources and contamination. The field of marine microplastics is rapidly growing, doubling roughly every year; the Salish Sea has been involved in research since 2008, developed NOAA’s marine debris methods. This panel aims to highlight the wholistic approach of marine microplastic research and removal efforts in the Salish Sea through examining how types of samples (sediment, water, organism etc.), spatial-temporal scales, and methodologies, can be utilized and applied to community-driven questions. Here, we discuss the field from multiple perspectives, including academic, NGO, government, policy, BIPOC youth, and businesses from the US and Canada. We will delve into the intricacies of how regional microplastic research goes beyond tradition published and peer reviewed scientific papers, often including work done with community members, volunteer groups, students, and activists. We are committed to reducing marine plastic pollution and believe that working together through a combination of science, policy, and public awareness are necessary.