Senior Project Advisor
Antonya Gonzalez
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2024
Wealth Inequality, Color-Blind racial ideology, Psychology, Inheritance
Wealth inequality and the racial wealth gap are large disparities in the modern United States. This study examines the relationship between colorblind racial ideologies, inheritance status, and wealth inequality relevant beliefs. This was done to assess whether expecting to receive an inheritance or having colorblind racial ideology can predict one's beliefs about wealth inequality. An online survey was given to participants that used Likert scales to gather support/opposition levels on wealth inequality, wealth redistribution, poverty attributions, and colorblind ideology. Answers were coded into R-studio and statistical analyses were run to observe the relationship between these variables. Results revealed that there is an important relationship between colorblind ideology and wealth inequality beliefs. Individuals who scored higher on the Color-Blind Racism Attitudes Scale were more likely to attribute poverty to individual causes, not support redistribution of wealth, and support current levels of economic inequality. Individuals who expected to receive an inheritance were more likely to attribute poverty to an individual cause rather than a structural cause.
Recommended Citation
Steiner, Caitlyn, "Colorblind Ideology and Inheritance Status Predicting Wealth Inequality and Poverty Perceptions in the United States" (2024). WWU Honors College Senior Projects. 815.
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Wealth; Equality; Racism--Economic aspects--United States; Financial exclusion
Geographic Coverage
United States
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