Senior Project Advisor
Kacey Morrow
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2024
Food Systems, Data Visualization, Design, Food Resilience, Bellingham, Community, Food Justice, Food Security
For my Honors Capstone project, I wanted to combine my interest in sustainable food systems and my educational background in design to create a cumulative final exploration. Over the past four years, I have practiced my visual communication skills and thought now would be the perfect time to apply this to a topic to directly better our campus and greater Bellingham communities.
To do this, I teamed up with a group of students from Gigi Berardi’s ENVS 415 class, a Food Security Planning Studio. The group, Elle Reed, Emma Worgum, and Flynn Williamson, worked diligently to gather information for their Modular Household Food Security Plan for Whatcom County. I separated this collected data into two main graphics: a Bellingham Food Map and a Seasonality Calendar.
The intention for the graphics I have created is to leave documentation that can be referenced and easily understood by our wide range of community members. I want to help individuals begin their personal food resilience journey by better understanding their access to food resources based on location and seasonality.
(A food map and seasonality calendar are included as supplemental attachments at the bottom of the page.)
Recommended Citation
Unflat, Chloe, "Visualising Household Food Resilience" (2024). WWU Honors College Senior Projects. 829.
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Food supply--Environmental aspects--Washington (State)--Bellingham; Food security--Washington (State)--Bellingham; Sustainable agriculture--Washington (State)--Bellingham
Geographic Coverage
Bellingham (Wash.)
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