Senior Project Advisor
Shaun Sowell
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2024
Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss, watercolor art
I believe The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss will be my generation’s Lord of the Rings.The Name of the Wind is also the first of a three part series, set in high fantasy with layered themes of heroism and destiny. Another striking similarity with Tolkien’s classic novels is the in depth detail and scene descriptions provided by both authors.The main story is told to the audience through the main character, Kvothe, via a frame story set after the events of the main story unfold. A huge theme in The Name of the Wind is storytelling, and how the stories we tell about ourselves eventually manifest in one's true self. I chose to illustrate five scenes that encapsulate the story Kvothe has crafted throughout his life, and how he wishes to be perceived when others hear his story.
[A transcript to the illustrations is included in a supplementary attachment at the bottom of this page.]
Recommended Citation
Alvord, Delaney, "The Name Of The Wind by Patrick Rothfuss: An Illustrated Guide by Delaney Alvord" (2024). WWU Honors College Senior Projects. 843.
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Fantasy fiction; Storytelling
Subjects - Names (LCNAF)
Rothfuss, Patrick, 1973- Kingkiller chronicle
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Transcript to the illustrations