
Hailey Bridges

Senior Project Advisor

Nicole Torres

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2024


America, care, collectivism, close bonds, community, connection, hopelessness, hyper-individualism, individualism, isolation, loneliness, mental health, relationships, sense of belonging, social isolation, social and emotional intelligence (SEI), social support, suicide


This literature review is an examination of the discourses on community and care in America. It aims to address the intersectionality of terms like ‘social support, ‘belonging,’ ‘care,’ and so many more across disciplines that are really an attempt at addressing the root causes of the rise of mental illness, loneliness, and hopelessness in America. This interdisciplinary cross-examination of how the practices of caring for others is influenced by the ideals of individualism in this country works to showcase how individualistic values shape the social and emotional intelligence of individuals and thus impacts the connections (or lack thereof) within communities. How people need one another and how that need is satisfied can be understood through observing the broader gestures of care (and gestures that are labeled as care but in fact are not) characterized by the individualistic framework. Through these critiques and examinations, the door to rigorous, thoughtful, and intentional explorations of caring notions metabolizes what these forms of ‘care’ are trying to achieve. Lastly, this literature review will explore a divergence from harmful and/or ineffective practices of care and delve instead into opportunities for conviviality and community healing.


Human Services and Rehabilitation

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Collectivism--United States; Communities--United States; Mental health--United States; Individualism--United States; Loneliness--United States; Social intelligence--United States

Geographic Coverage

United States




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