Senior Project Advisor
Cori Winrock
Document Type
Project - Campus-only Access
Publication Date
Spring 2024
Daughter, Nonfiction, Creative Writing, Hybrid Writing, Gallery
This project was an exploration in nonfiction hybrid writing, focusing on the hypothetical question of what it means to daughter. Hybrid writing, which centers its exploration on the mixing and/or erasing of genres, the visual, and the interactive drove this project to a final form of a creative writing gallery, in which participants were encouraged to read, change, walk on, and be a part of the four final pieces presented. These four pieces convey elements of family, origin, and self in four separate forms, and while presented in an in-person gallery format, utilize page and space in a way that can be read in any context. They make use of white space, erasure, reader’s curiosity, shape, and imagery that aims to push and support meaning in a way not always utilized in traditional genres. This project elevated the ways in which hybrid writing is a process, a form that will evolve and change in its exploration, concluding that any form that was taken in this gallery is not the “right” one, nor the final one.
Recommended Citation
Caldwell, Caylee, "Daughter as Hybridity: An Exploration of Hybrid Writing" (2024). WWU Honors College Senior Projects. 852.
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Daughters; Families
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