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Date of Award
Spring 2024
Document Type
Masters Field Project
Department or Program Affiliation
Environmental Studies
Degree Name
Master of Arts (MA)
Environmental Studies
First Advisor
Hollenhorst, Steven J.
Second Advisor
Wang, Grace A.
Third Advisor
Hoffman-Krull, Kai
The purpose of this project was to develop a riparian planting planning tool and standard operating procedure for riparian restoration site preparation for the use of land managers working for the San Juan Islands Conservation District, to improve restoration planting establishment. The primary use of the Excel tool is to select appropriate plants for restoration sites based on the assessed soil conditions of a site. The Excel tool includes a list of riparian plant species for potential selection by land managers, with species-specific information that may inform selection. It also includes data from soil sample analysis within restoration sites, compared with soil sample analysis of intact riparian areas or “reference sites”. Additionally, a standard operating procedure protocol was developed for pre-planting site assessment and site preparation recommendations to aid plant establishment. The goal of this project is to fine-tune plant selection to the restoration site conditions and establish standardized site preparation methods to improve the success of restoration planting efforts.
It is important to note that the site preparation recommendations developed for this project are specific to the riparian restoration context of San Juan County. This is not meant to be a recommendation for all riparian restoration contexts throughout Washington State, however in cases where herbicide use or structural hydrologic restoration is not possible, these recommendations may be of service.
riparian, restoration, conservation, conservation planning, riparian restoration, botany, site preparation
Western Washington University
OCLC Number
Subject – LCSH
Riparian restoration--Washington (State)--San Juan County; Conservation plants--Washington (State)--San Juan County; Conservation projects (Natural resources)--Washington (State)--San Juan County; Botany--Washington (State)--San Juan County; Plant selection--Washington (State)--San Juan County
Geographic Coverage
San Juan County (Wash.)
masters theses
Copying of this document in whole or in part is allowable only for scholarly purposes. It is understood, however, that any copying or publication of this document for commercial purposes, or for financial gain, shall not be allowed without the author’s written permission.
Recommended Citation
Jaquery, Julia, "Improving Riparian Restoration Planning Efforts in San Juan County Using a Site-Specific Planting Tool" (2024). WWU Graduate School Collection. 1305.
Appendix 1: Riparian Planting Planning Tool