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Klipsun, June 2009 - A New Beginning

Volume and Number

Vol. 39, Issue 5



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Western Washington University

Editor in Chief

Dreke, Katie


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Christy Thacker; Lead Designer: Jonathan McConnell; Designer: Nicole Mills; Online Editor and Lead Photographer: Tyler McFarland; Photographer: Michael Leese; Story Editors: Kassidy Vietti, Kera Wanielista, Matt Jarrell, Sarah Gordon; Writers: Zach Hale, Natasha Walker, Tuli Alexander, Audrey Dubois-Boutet, Peter Jensen, Linda Blake, Alexis Tahiri, Marisa Willis, Shannon Goss, Rebecca Rayner, Becca Rice, Stephanie Castillo


I hate to bring up the economy (after all, it’s all we ever hear about anymore), but even during these hard financial times, a fresh start is possible. !at’s what this issue of Klipsun is all about: “New Beginnings”— the challenges we face in our lives and how we start anew.

“New Beginnings” covers a wide range of stories, from life after injury and prison, to the struggles of being a transsexual or living as a refugee in an unfamiliar country. Starting anew can also create opportunities to grow and learn as individuals and as a community, including finding new ways to explore cultures or to research life-threatening diseases.

This issue also marks a new beginning for Klipsun. We are only publishing one issue this quarter—a bigger issue with more stories for you to enjoy. In addition, we are increasing Klipsun’s online content by creating multimedia components that explore several fascinating stories. Take a look online at klipsun.wwu.edu to view these new installments.

I hope these stories and online clips provide you with inspiration during these difficult times. I hope you, too, can find a fresh start—a new beginning.

Photography Editor

Bachen, Kathryn


Howie, Stephen S.

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by the Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University, and www.klipsunmagazine.com/.



Geographic Coverage

Bellingham (Wash.)


Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student life


Independent Student Publication at Western Washington University

Document Type



This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to the Klipsun Magazine, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Subject-Topical (LCSH)

College students’ writings, American--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals; Universities and colleges--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Western Washington University





Klipsun Magazine 2009, Volume 39, Issue 05 - June

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