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Klipsun, April 2009

Volume and Number

Vol. 39, Issue 4



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Western Washington University

Editor in Chief

Fife, Jaimie


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Danielle Koagel; Copy Editor: Maureen Tinney; Online Editor: Tyler McFarland; Story Editors: Daniel Cumming, Christy Thacker, Rogelie Rael Johnson; Lead Designer: Jenny Peterson; Designers: Jonathan McConnell, Mary O’Connor; Photographers: Jon Bergman, Damon Call; Contributing Writers: Alex Burrows, Andrea Davis-Gonzalez, Cassandra Gallagher, Allison Milton, Talithia Taitano, Jillian Vasquez, Ashley Veintimilla


They say beauty is more than skin deep, but that does not mean we should discount skin altogether. Skin plays an integral role in shaping personality and character since the way people choose to clothe, decorate or care for their skin can tell a story about who they are.

The theme of this issue is “Skin Deep” because the stories explore attitudes toward skin that create various life circumstances. For example, one article discusses burlesque dancers who participate in the revealing art form because they say it makes them feel less self- conscious and more comfortable in their own skin. In another, more intense story, readers learn what life is like for people who view their skin as a coping device, so they participate in self-injury.

Because the appearance and health of skin undoubtedly play a major role in everyone’s lives, the way some people choose to treat their skin can seem either fascinating or shocking, depending on how unusual the circumstances are. If you really want to read an outrageous account— try checking out the article about body suspension, which requires participants to “hang out,” or dangle above ground from hooks pierced through their skin.

As you are about to find out, there are tons of ways to think about skin, and the wide range of stories in this “Skin Deep” issue are a testament to that fact.

Photography Editor

Malijan, Mark


Howie, Stephen S.

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by the Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University, and www.klipsunmagazine.com/.



Geographic Coverage

Bellingham (Wash.)


Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student life


Independent Student Publication at Western Washington University

Document Type



This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to the Klipsun Magazine, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Subject-Topical (LCSH)

College students’ writings, American--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals; Universities and colleges--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Western Washington University





Klipsun Magazine, 2009, Volume 39, Issue 04 - April

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