"Third Kingdom" by Lisan Kent


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Document Type


Publication Date

August 2021


Art, Printmaking, Lithography, Drawing, Relief, Screenprint, BFA, 2021, Fine Arts, Art Studio


Description: Mixed media printmaking installation. Woodblock relief, charcoal drawing, lithographic photo transfer, and screenprint on paper mounted to 2” cradled wood panels. Individual images are 10”x10”, larger installation is about 12’x12’.

Artist Statement

Illness is an unavoidable consequence of living. There is no person who does not feel the effects of an ill body, whether it be momentarily or for a lifetime. In my experience I have felt that I am always chasing, or pushing back against either extreme of the spectrum. I am never just ill or just healthy. I am always somewhere in between, going one way or the other. In examining the relationship between the body and the self, I can further understand the complex vulnerability that comes with comparing oneself to these idealized extremes.

This work is a reflection of my body in its dynamic healed and healing state. By utilizing a combination of drawing and process-based printmaking techniques such as stone lithography, silkscreen, and linoleum relief; I create a representation of myself that is embedded in exploring a healed body continually affected by illness. Which in turn, emphasizes the duality of a single self - this gray area between sick and healthy. Along with this sense of duality in the figures, the abstracted, fragmented space ties into a continual movement between the two.

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Diseases; Healing; Healing in art


printmaking; mixed media works; lithography; photolithography; screen prints; woodcut (process); charcoal drawings; student projects








Art, Printmaking, Lithography, Drawing, Relief, Screenprint, BFA, 2021, Fine Arts, Art Studio
