"Strengthening Collaboration Between Washington State and British Colum" by Ginny Broadhurst and Laurie D. Trautman

Document Type

Research Report

Publication Date

Spring 2023


Collaboration; Canada-US; Cross-Border; Salish Sea; Governance


There are a variety of benefits that arise from collaboration across the Canada-US border. In some sectors, the value of collaboration is measurable. For example, travel or trade volumes can be equated with specific economic benefits. This is the case with tourism and supply chain networks. There are traceable benefits associated with cross-border business integration and the development of a shared ‘innovation ecosystem’. However, how does one measure the value of having good relations with neighbors? Or the benefits that result from developing more resilient environmental and economic conditions that are created by joint responses to shared natural disasters? The value of cross-border collaboration is far reaching and the benefits of strengthening it through a formal mechanism have intrinsic value to the quality of life of both British Columbians and Washingtonians. We are partners in trade relations, businesses, security, transportation, and industry. But most importantly, we are neighbors, families, friends, and sports rivals with shared goals for the region we call home.




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