College Affiliation

College of Science and Engineering

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date


Department or Program Affiliation

Computer Science Department


machine learning, transfer learning, reinforcement learning


Transfer Learning (TL) is the branch of Machine Learning concerned with improving performance on a target task by leveraging knowledge from a related (and usually already learned) source task. TL is potentially applicable to any learning task, but in this survey we consider TL in a Reinforcement Learning (RL) context. TL is inspired by psychology; humans constantly apply previous knowledge to new tasks, but such transfer has traditionally been very difficult for—or ignored by—machine learning applications. The goals of TL are to facilitate faster and better learning of new tasks by applying past experience where appropriate, and to enable autonomous continual learning agents. TL is a young field (within the RL context), and has only recently seen much interest from the RL community. However, it is rapidly growing, and in the last few years dozens of new methods have been proposed. In all cases surveyed, the proposed methods have been remarkably successful towards the goals of TL. This survey presents a novel classification of current TL methods, a comparative analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, and reasoned ideas for future research.

Subject – LCSH

Transfer of training, Reinforcement learning, Machine learning


Western Washington University


term papers




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