Effects of Experimental Freeze-Thaw and Wet-Dry Weathering Cycles on Fluvial Abrasion Rates, Finn Coffin
Timing of subduction initiation and deformation history of amphibolite and blueschist in the Easton metamorphic suite, Northwest Cascades, Washington, Nick S. Cunetta
Velocity structure of the Queen Charlotte Fault across the 2013 Mw 7.5 Craig earthquake region, Lazaro Valentin Garza
The Origin of Float Rocks on the Western Fan Front in Jezero Crater, Mars, Bavani S. Kathir
High Resolution Seafloor Structure of the Gofar Oceanic Transform Fault, Paige Koenig
An Assessment of Historical and Future Bluff Recession in Puget Sound, WA, Callie Little
Imaging of the shallow crustal structure across the region of the 2013 Mw 7.5 Craig Earthquake with high-resolution seismic streamer tomography, Emma Martin, Andrew Gase, and Emily Roland
Reconstructing vegetation cover during the retreat of the Puget Lobe of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet using organic matter from marine sediment cores, Emily McQuarrie
Miss Americana & The Queen Bey: A Seismic Analysis of Synchronous Crowd Movement at Lumen Field Concerts in Seattle, WA, Karenna A. Merritt
Deglacial and Holocene environmental change recorded in lake sediments from the Snowy Mountains, Kosciuszko National Park, southeastern Australia, Emma J. Mickelson
Stuck in the Middle – Dacitic Eruptions through Time at Three Sisters, Oregon, Alex Newsom
Vanishing Volcanics: Mass Wasting Deposit Heterogeneity, with Implications for Rapid Downstream Abrasion, Brian Pinke
Paleocurrent dispersion applied to constrain channel planform morphology of ancient river systems, Anthony Semeraro
Spectrophotometric Characterization of Hawaiian Coated Basalt and Implications for Mars, Samantha Theuer
An Analysis of Clinopyroxene Reaction Rims as Assimilation Chronometers at Cinder Cone Volcano, Lassen National Volcanic Park, California, Annabelle Carozza
Investigating Kīlauea’s 2018 Offshore Lava Emplacement Through Hydroacoustic Data, Olana Costa
Modeling the Effects of Projected Climate Warming on Stream Temperatures in the Stillaguamish River Basin, Emily Esther Gebheim Smoot
Shared Roots: A geochemical investigation of basaltic andesites to understand magmatic cogenesis at the Middle Sister and South Sister volcanoes, central Oregon, Sean Francis Halstead
Silicon and Oxygen in Earth’s Core: Applications of Machine Learning to Metal-Silicate Equilibria and Core Formation, Ruben Keane
Using Chemical Zoning in Minerals to Understand Magmatic Processes at Augustine Volcano, Alaska, Sloane Kennedy
U-Pb Zircon Geochronology and Structure of regional blueschist units in the Easton metamorphic suite, Northwest Cascades, WA, Katherine Lang
Paleomagnetic Determination of Vertical Axis Block Rotation near the Doty Fault in southwestern Washington, Charles Linneman
Does sediment supply impact the threshold for initial sediment motion in natural, gravel bedded streams?, Emily Loucks
Quantifying Channel Change Following Post-Fire Debris Flows in a Steep, Coastal Stream, Big Sur, California, Telemak Olsen
Connections between eruption style and magmatic reservoir evolution: Insights from Augustine Volcano, Alaska, USA, Mahinaokalani G. Robbins
A Mixed-Methods Study of Geoscience Identity, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender in Senior Undergraduate Geoscience Majors, Willa Rowan
Biomarker study of Bellingham Bay : identifying how urbanization has affected carbon storage and eelgrass, Jess Shulman
Reconstructing wildfire regime during the warm Paleocene-Eocene climate using molecular biomarkers from the Chuckanut Formation in northwest Washington, U.S.A., Alexandra Elise Thompson
Using Mineral Magnetism to Characterize Compositions of Fe-Ti Oxide Phases of the Sulphur Creek Lava Flow (Kulshan), Elika Zilis
A Field Guide to Jezero Crater, Mars, Lee Adair
Reconstructing deglacial and Holocene climatic and environmental change in the Snowy Mountains of southeast Australia, Aidan Warner Burdick
The Mountain In Our Backyard, Jordan Craft and Nathan Knoch
Spectral Variability in Naturally Weathered Rock Surfaces and Implications for Mars, Sabrina Curtis
Glacier Peak and the Chocolate Factory: Recurring debris flows from the eastern flank of Glacier Peak stratovolcano, North Cascades, Washington State, USA, Edward M. Fordham
Using crystal zoning, thermobarometry, and MELTS to elucidate Koma Kulshan’s (Mt. Baker) transcrustal magma storage system, northern Cascade arc, Brendan Garvey
To Erupt or Not to Erupt? That is the Question: Extremely High Levels of Background Seismicity and Lack of Eruptivity from 2003-2019 at Gareloi Volcano, Aleutian Islands, Alaska, Kiana Tamarie Harris
Forearc erosion in response to megathrust plate coupling along the Wairarapa Coastline, New Zealand, Chantel E. Jensen
Eruption Evolution of West Mata Volcano, NE Lau Basin Using Hydroacoustic and Video Data, Mikkel Shanice Louis
Extraction and Interpretation of Fatty Alcohols in the Chuckanut Formation, Ellis Lower
Magnetic Methods to Characterize the Emplacement of the Nodule Point Intrusion (Marrowstone Island, WA), Charlie Nuncio
Cycles or Repetitions: A Quantitative Analysis of Alluvial Bed Thicknesses, Kristopher D. Phillips
Modeling 21st century peak streamflows in the Stillaguamish Watershed using dynamically downscaled general circulation model projections, James Marcell Robinson
Structural History of the Bald Mountain Mining District, Nevada, USA, David Paul Ryan
Structural History of the Formidable-Le Conte Mountain Area, North Cascades, WA, Nyle Weldon
Marine Ecosystem Response to Late Pleistocene Rapid Climate Change in the Salish Sea, Alex Victor Hernandez
Reidentifying Sources of Tephra in the Izu-Bonin Arc: Recognizing Recent Rear-arc Volcanism 1.1 – 2.7 Ma, Cassandra King
Floodplain response to Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 in the southern Bighorn Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A., Eve Lalor
Evaluating thresholds in fluvial response to the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, U.S.A), Grace Marie Sutherland
Populations of Major Phases in Glacier Peak Lavas, Charlotte Wall
Provenance of early Paleogene strata in the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, U.S.A.): Implications for Laramide tectonism and basin-scale stratigraphic patterns, Jessica L. Welch
Revaluating the use of mollusks for estimating paleodepth in the Pacific Northwest, E Worthington
Slip rates and kinematics of active crustal faults in the central Oregon Cascades, Katherine Alexander
Timing and Conditions of Metamorphism in the Cascades Crystalline Core from Garnet Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Geochronology, Peter Baker
Modeling the effects of climate change on streamflow and stream temperature in the South Fork of the Stillaguamish River, Katherine Mary Clarke
Calibration optimization of a stream temperature model applied to the Nooksack River, Ian Edgar
Bio-preservation Potential of Sediment in Eberswalde crater, Mars, Cory Hughes
Paleomagnetic and Structural Analysis of Geothermal Drill Core from Akutan, Alaska, Molly Kathleen Johnson
Testing the potential for using Structure from Motion photogrammetry methods to estimate seasonal mass balance on lower Easton Glacier, Mount Baker, WA, Elizabeth Kimberly
Wave runup and morphologic change on a mixed-sediment beach in the Salish Sea, WA, Avery Maverick
Crystal Mush Dynamics of Mount St. Helens and Lassen Volcanic Center: Insights from Melt Inclusions and Titanium-In-Quartz Thermobarometry, Jeremy S. Rosen
Using Multispectral Imagery to Interrogate Deposition, Alteration, and Weathering Across Curiosity Rover’s Traverse in Gale Crater, Mars, Christina Seeger
The Past is the Key to the Present: Reconstructing Changes in Seasonal Precipitation Triggered by Ancient Climate Change, William Ward
Modeling the effects of climate change on streamflow and stream temperature in the South Fork of the Stillaguamish River, Katherine Clarke
Slip and strain accumulation along the Sadie Creek fault, Olympic Peninsula, Washington, Cody Duckworth
Quantifying the magnitude and spatial variability of bedrock erosion beneath the Sisters Glacier, Washington, using cosmogenic 3He concentrations, Sarah W. Francis
Modeling the Effects of Climate Variability on Hydrology and Stream Temperatures in the North Fork of the Stillaguamish River, Kyra Freeman
Photometric investigations of weathering rinds and coatings with implications for Mars, Kathleen Hoza
Seismic Structure of Tanaga Island, Alaska, Kevin F. (Kevin Francis) Lally
Testing Models of Subduction Initiation and Metamorphic Sole Formation in the Easton Metamorphic Suite, NW Cascades, Katherine Lang
Paleomagnetic results from Upper Triassic and Middle Jurassic strata of east-central New Mexico, and implication for North American APWP, Masoud Mirzaei Souzani
Validation of Predicted Tsunami Inundation for the Inland Coast of the Salish Sea Associated with Cascadia Subduction Zone Earthquakes, Paige Morkner
Assessing Coastal Vulnerability to Storm Surge and Wave Impacts with Projected Sea Level Rise within the Salish Sea, Nathan R. VanArendonk
Clinopyroxene trace element chemistry as a proxy for magma compositional variations in the Izu Bonin rear arc over the last 15 million years, Kimberly N. (Kimberly Nicole) Wurth
Testing ¹⁰Be Exposure Dating of Holocene Cirque Moraines using Glaciolacustrine Sediments in the Sierra Nevada, California, William Cary
Sediment transport processes of modern beach sediments revealed by magnetic anisotropy fabrics, Katrina Garner
Diversity and Petrogenesis of Rhyolites from an Intra-oceanic Arc: Evidence from IODP Site U1437, Izu Bonin Rear-arc and Surrounding Area, Luan J. (Luan Jean) Heywood
The Effects of Forecasted Climate Change on Mass Wasting Susceptibility in the Nooksack River Basin, Kevin Knapp
Geologic Development and Ongoing Activity of the Van Zandt Landslide Complex, Northwest WA, USA, Geoffrey Malick
Collecting Spectra from Gale Crater on Mars, Natalie Moore
Mineralogic and Stratigraphic Analysis of Mount Sharp in Gale Crater, Mars, Amanda Rudolph
Chemical and Morphological Variance in Vitriclastic Shards from IODP Site U1437: Inferences about Source Regions and Eruptive Mechanisms, Larissa Sleeper
Metamorphic Evolution of the Sierra de Maz: Implications for the Timing of Terrane Accretion on the Western Margin of Gondwana, Andrew Tholt
Modeling the Effects of Climate Change on Stream Temperature in the Nooksack River Basin, Stephanie E. Truitt