About This Journal | Journal of Educational Controversy | Peer-reviewed Journals | Western Washington University

About This Journal

This journal opens and reopens spaces for thoughtfulness and concern.
Maxine Greene

Welcome to the homepage of the Journal of Educational Controversy, an interdisciplinary electronic journal of ideas. The purpose of this peer reviewed journal is to provide a national and international forum for examining the dilemmas and controversies that arise in the education of citizens for a pluralistic, democratic society. Because many of the tensions in public school and university policies and practices are deeply rooted in the tensions inherent in the philosophy of a liberal democratic state, many of the value conflicts in public schools and universities can only be understood within the context of this larger public philosophy. In effect, the conflicting assumptions underlying our public philosophy frame our questions, define our problems and construct the solutions that shape our practices, policies, and research agendas. This journal will try to help clarify that public debate and deepen an understanding of its moral significance.

This unique journal will pose a different dilemma or controversy that is related to teaching and learning in a pluralistic, democratic society in each issue and invite readers from different disciplines to submit a response to it (any limit up to 7500 words). Subsequent issues will pose a new dilemma along with a Rejoinder Section (up to 1500 words) to allow the conversation to continue. Invited articles that provide a framework for the discussion will often be included in an introductory section.

The Journal of Educational Controversy was made possible with the support and encouragement of the deans and the faculty and staff of the Woodring College of Education, Western Washington University.

The views expressed by authors in this journal do not necessarily reflect the views of the journal’s editorial staff, the Center for Education, Equity and Diversity, the Educational Institute for Democratic Renewal or the Woodring College of Education of Western Washington University.