teacher education, diversity, equity, social justice, sociopolitical contexts
Document Type
Article in Response to Controversy
Teaching for Social Justice in a Highly Politicized Historical Moment
Diversity courses in teacher education often become sites of conflict and contestation. Numerous proposals have been put forward on how to address these conflicts and contestations through pedagogical interventions and teaching innovations. However, such proposals rarely take into account the impact of broader sociopolitical forces on classroom interactions and learning. In this collective reflection, we document our experiences of navigating a diversity course in highly contentious times when anti-critical race theory campaigns resulted in widespread bans on the teaching of “divisive concepts.” We explore critical incidents and challenging situations to capture the erosion of civility and engagement with evidence. In the context of society-wide attacks on truth, we call on educators, researchers, and advocates to raise their voices in public and political arenas to sustain democracy.
Recommended Citation
Aydarova, Elena; Kelley, Jacob; and Daugherty, Kristen
"“Teaching in a War Zone”: A Collective Reflection on Learning from a Diversity Course in Contentious Times,"
Journal of Educational Controversy: Vol. 15:
1, Article 3.
Available at:
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Social justice--Study and teaching--United States; Social justice and education--United States; Critical race theory--United States; Racism in education--United States; Anti-racism--Study and teaching--United States; Teachers--Training of--United States; Critical pedagogy--United States; Culturally relevant pedagogy--United States
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Geographic Coverage
United States
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Elementary Education and Teaching Commons, Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching Commons, Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education Commons, Secondary Education and Teaching Commons