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Teaching for Social Justice in a Highly Politicized Historical Moment


The theme for the Volume 15 issue of the Journal of Educational Controversy, “Teaching for Social Justice in a Highly Politicized Historical Moment,“ is a continuation of a conversation that began in two earlier issues. In Volume 12, we explored the larger institutional structures that maintain inequalities and racism with the theme, “Black Lives Matter and the Education Industrial Complex.” That was followed with an inquiry in Volume 14 on the role that the past plays in wrongs in the present and the issues it raises in our attempts at seeking reconciliation in “The Ethics of Memory: What Does it Mean to Apologize for Historical Wrongs.” The current issue takes a practical turn and asks authors to explore ways of teaching for social justice and anti-racism, especially, at a time when legislatures are censoring and undercutting the efforts of schools and teachers. Many of the authors shared reflections on their own experiences and practices while others tried to bring some conceptual clarity to the research by examining the language and concepts employed. While most of the articles discuss the issue from the viewpoint of tensions in the United States, one article discusses the tensions that are occurring in schools in Israel.


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