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Klipsun, Spring 2011 - Break

Volume and Number

Vol. 41, Issue 5



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Publication Date

Spring 2011


Western Washington University

Editor in Chief

Rypich, Olena


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Keegan Prosser; Copy Editor: Megan Jonas; Story Editors: Laina Pickrel, Kayley Richards, Carey Rose; Designers: Chelsea Kennedy, Shea Taisey; Multimedia Editor: Carina Bissett; Online Editor: Elin Jike; Photographers: Jake Bankson, Kaylin Bettinger, Jaynie Hancock, Jeremy Smith, Jordan Stead, Sarah Richardson; Writers: Sakeus Bankson, Kaylin Bettinger, Gina Cole, Raymond Flores, Marianne Graff, Rachel Lerman, Kathleen Marriott, Michelle Naranjo, Sarah Richardson, Nicole Strep, Liza Weeks


It’s fascinating to think back to March of ’99 when I came to America with my parents, six suitcases in tow and about four learned phrases in my pocket: hello, goodbye, please and thank you. Though I’m fluent in English now, the occasional accent slip still reminds me of those years I was frustrated with my broken English. Back then, the TV we bought at a garage sale had only three channels, one of them showing “The Simpsons,” “Supermarket Sweep” and “The Bold and the Beautiful.” This was the quality television that taught me the basis of my colloquial English.

The spectrum of this issue’s theme runs the gamut from lighthearted to deep and serious. It explores a silly phenomenon, gets us in touch with our inner teen romantic and also probes the issues that too often get swept under the rug: emotional pain and abuse and the hopeless feelings they trigger. It’s the kind of break no Superglue can fix. Ultimately, these stories are about moving on, maturing, turning a new page and letting go of the past — that’s the way to heal the worst wounds.

The Gestalt theory holds that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I like to think of the collection of ceramic shards on the cover as a beautiful plate, a work of art that used to be a whole. To get that one cover photo our photographer smashed tons of dishes. But hey, it was all for good luck.

Photography Editor

Stead, Jordan


Watt, Peggy

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by the Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University, and www.klipsunmagazine.com/.



Geographic Coverage

Bellingham (Wash.)


Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student life


Independent Student Publication at Western Washington University

Document Type



This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to the Klipsun Magazine, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Subject-Topical (LCSH)

College students’ writings, American--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals; Universities and colleges--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Western Washington University





Klipsun Magazine, 2011, Volume 41, Issue 05 - Spring

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