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Klipsun, April 1997
Volume and Number
Vol. 27, Issue 4
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Publication Date
Western Washington University
Editor in Chief
Gross, Wendy
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA
Production Staff
Managing Editor: Collin Coyne; Story Editors: Quincy Hanson, Brian Olson; Layout Coordinator: Jennifer Hayes; Art Editor: Jesse Hamilton; Business Manager: Teari Brown; Writers: Brad Benfield, Todd Blankenship, Michelle Caballero, Lisa Diaz, Adam Edinger, Nancy Frazier, Allison Gregg, Jacob Henifin, Alisha Holdener, D. Eric Jones, Martin Knoff, Melissa Leslie, Lisa Lindjord, Christopher Luczyk, April Metcalf, Rachel Morrow, Heather L. Myers, Jen Nikolaisen, Mariana Pinto, Christine Troyke, Jonathan Vann, Jerry Weatherhogg
Hello again, it s your good friends at Klipsun. We've whipped up another tasty potluck of stories for you. Hope you're hungry.
You will be appalled and engaged by the cover piece on Gary Goldfogel, Whatcom County's medical examiner. Yes, folks, he dissects dead bodies to find out how they got that way It, sounds gross, but what's so fascinating about Goldfogel is he doesn't shut down emotionally when he’s at work. It’s his desire to provide answers for grieving families that keeps him focused.
We’ve got stories on Russians, soap opera addicts, the producer of Highlander, and much much more! Still, this issue’s strongest point is its insightful writing. Our writers each began with general topics and emerged with people-stories— stories you can almost feel breathing next to you.
Enjoy this issue—I know I will, it’s my last. At the risk of being sappy, I’ll shed a tear and tell you how hard this editorial staff has worked to make Klipsun so pretty and interesting that you would be unable to resist reading. Do us a favor and tell us if it worked. There’s a readers’ poll floating around in here. Please fill it out and drop it in a campus mail box. Karma will reward you.
Photography Editor
Coyne, Justin; Klein, Tim
Yow-Dyson, Ann
Publisher (Digital Object)
Resources made available by the Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University, and www.klipsunmagazine.com/.
Geographic Coverage
Bellingham (Wash.)
Higher Education | Journalism Studies
Student life
Independent Student Publication at Western Washington University
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Gross, Wendy, "Klipsun Magazine, 1997, Volume 27, Issue 04 - April" (1997). Klipsun Magazine. 178.
This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to the Klipsun Magazine, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.
Subject-Topical (LCSH)
College students’ writings, American--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals; Universities and colleges--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals
Subject-Names (LCNAF)
Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Western Washington University