Title Alternative

Klipsun, June 2004

Volume and Number

Vol. 34, Issue 6



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Publication Date



Western Washington University

Editor in Chief

Grimes, Katie


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Christine Cameron; Story Editors: Annie Billington, Leslie Sugiura; Copy Editor: Mugs Scherer; Lead Designer: Jeanna Barrett; Designers: Jamie Carpenter, Ryan Adolf; Writers: Kadi Anderson, Lacy Bevis, Emily Butterfield, Rachel Fomon, Sarah Freeman, Sarah Getchman, Shanna Green, Tyler Hicks, Katie James, Kelseyanne Johnson, Cailin Long, Laura McClay, Meagan McFadden, Paolo Mottola, Porfirio Pena, Michelle Reindal, Heather Reynolds, Gig Schlich, Kimberly Shelly, Christina Twu, Leslie White, Lianna Wingfield, Jenny Zuvela


Going to the chiropractor. A seemingly insignificant event for most people, but what if you are a dog? Part of the joy of editing a publication staffed by students is seeing what sorts of stories they will come up with. Giving few restrictions to our writers ensures that topics they choose will be unique and spontaneous.

In this issue, you will find stories directly related to the experience of their writers. The love for her favorite shoe inspired Christina Twu to investigate the history behind Chuck Taylor All Stars. As an intern for the Seattle Mariners, Katie James stumbled across the story of a Safeco groundskeeper whose skill in landscaping runs in the family.

Stories in this issue reflect the interests, talents and creativity of its writers, and we hope you enjoy reading them as much as we did.

Photography Editor

Bolling, Keith


Dale, Carolyn. 1950-

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by the Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University, and www.klipsunmagazine.com/.



Geographic Coverage

Bellingham (Wash.)


Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student life


Independent Student Publication at Western Washington University

Document Type



This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to the Klipsun Magazine, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Subject-Topical (LCSH)

College students’ writings, American--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals; Universities and colleges--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Western Washington University





Klipsun Magazine 2004, Volume 34, Issue 06 - June

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