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Klipsun, April 2005

Volume and Number

Vol. 35, Issue 5



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Western Washington University

Editor in Chief

Twu, Christina Seya


Western Washington University


Bellingham, WA

Production Staff

Managing Editor: Paolo Massimo Mottola; Story Editors: Lauren Nicole Fior, Zoe Kaitlin Fraley; Copy Editor: Anna Laura Sowa; Designer/Web Design: Anna Louise Tahl; Designers: Cam Alexander Campman, Samuel Sanford Dawson; Advisor: Marguerite Jean Watt; Writers: Liz Adamack, Shannon Barney, Mari Bergstrom, Jonathan Bradley, Matt DeVeau, Natalie Emery, Jessica Evans, Cheryl Julian, Kaitlin King, Emily Nuchols, Tanya Rozeboom, Cara Shaw, Kimberly Shelly, Kim Sklar-Fowler, Jesse Smith, Jamie Trudel, Guillermo Ventura, Jelena Washington, Ruth Wetzel


Saying goodbye? Not always.

Sometimes it’s hard to bid farewell when we depart from a person, an era or Ideology, but people find comfort in the possibility of returning again and recapturing what once was.

Because this notion is so prevalent in modern lifestyles, the Klipsun staff decided to make a tribute to all things old and explore symptoms of nostalgia that surround us today.

In Bellingham, the Ladies of the Evening Society members honor the history of Fairhaven bordello owners and madams in the 1890s by dressing and acting the part of historical legends. Upon returning to her hometown of Leavenworth, a student finds her Bavarian 'roots invaluable to her as the town risks losing its old world charm to modern day commerce.Today, putting vinyl on a turntable is an event in itself, and a family f dairy farmers recalls a time before computer-monitored milking.

These are the symptoms.This is nostalgia.

Photography Editor

Woolley, Amanda Gayle


Watt, Peggy

Publisher (Digital Object)

Resources made available by the Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University, and www.klipsunmagazine.com/.



Geographic Coverage

Bellingham (Wash.)


Higher Education | Journalism Studies


Student life


Independent Student Publication at Western Washington University

Document Type



This resource is displayed for educational purposes only and may be subject to U.S. and international copyright laws. Any materials cited must be attributed to the Klipsun Magazine, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.

Subject-Topical (LCSH)

College students’ writings, American--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals; Universities and colleges--Washington (State)--Bellingham--Periodicals

Subject-Names (LCNAF)

Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Western Washington University





Klipsun Magazine, 2005, Volume 35, Issue 05 - April

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