"Brutus the Usurper: Discordance and Resolution in Jacques-Louis David’" by Jessamyn Irvine

Brutus the Usurper: Discordance and Resolution in Jacques-Louis David’s Roman Tableau

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2020


In the Paris Salon of 1789, Jacques-Louis David debuted The Lictors Bringing Brutus the Bodies of His Sons as a final tableau to the story of Roman Consul Lucius Junius Brutus. The canvas embraces complexity and stands as an anomaly in David’s oeuvre, depicting Brutus as a father haunted by the necessities of his duty rather than as a heroic leader. Through visual analysis of David’s Brutus and consideration of Diderotian theory on theatricality, truth and antiquarianism, this essay will show that the dramatic tableau of Brutus presents a nuanced interpretation of traditional Roman virtue unique within David’s oeuvre, historically and contemporaneously, emphasizing the psychological and familial cost of revolution rather than overt nationalism. The timely reveal of the canvas, mere months after the fall of the Bastille in 1789, prompts questions of republicanism in current scholarship; however, a republican interpretation remains problematic due to the uncertainty surrounding the trajectory of the Revolution in the period. In opposition to the linearity of the Neoclassic aesthetic, the greater meaning of David’s Brutus is multifaceted. Through visual analysis of David’s Brutus and consideration of Diderotian theory on theatricality, truth and antiquarianism, this essay will show that the dramatic tableau of Brutus presents a nuanced interpretation of traditional Roman virtue unique within David’s oeuvre, historically and contemporaneously, emphasizing the psychological and familial cost of revolution rather than overt nationalism.

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Painting, French--18th century

Subjects - Names (LCNAF)

David, Jacques Louis, 1748-1825. Lictors bringing Brutus the bodies of his sons; David, Jacques Louis, 1748-1825--Criticism and interpretation


student projects; term papers




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