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The Planet, Spring 2015, The Justice Issue
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Publication Date
Spring 2015
Western Washington University. Associated Students. Environmental Center; Huxley College of the Environment; Huxley College of Environmental Studies
Editor in Chief
Carlson, Beth
Western Washington University
Bellingham, WA
Production Staff
Managing Editor: Yvonne Worden; Editors: Mallorie Estenson, Ryan Evans; Multimedia Editor: Jesse Nichols; Science Editor: Sam Carlos; Designers: Erica Kutz, Enkhbayar Munkh-Erdene; Assisting Designer: Nicole Rogers; Web Designer: Keghouhi Bedoyan; Multimedia: Paul Bikis, Wendelin Dunlap; Writers: Shauna Brennan, Michelle Dannehy, Elise Dresel, Jann Eherharter, Emily Eckroth, Anne Elliott, Nick Jenner, Celeste Lymn, Claire Manning, Sarah Sharp, Emma Strutton; Photographers: Katy Cassette, Keely Killebrew, Brianna Stoutenburgh, Kate Welch
Photography Editor
Janders, Kramer
Paci-Green, Rebekah
Publisher (Digital Object)
Resources made available by The Planet and Special Collections, Heritage Resources, Western Libraries, Western Washington University.
Table of Contents
Culture on the Coast by Anne Elliott
Renewed whaling request sparks debate among biologists, NOAA and Makah tribal members.
Path of Resistance by Michelle Dannehy
Something stands in the way of three proposed pipelines through the Wet’suweten territory: the Unis’tot’en resistance camp.
Faith in Justice by Sarah Sharp
The “father of environmental justice” describes the impact of the movement, as mission groups are asked to serve, not to save.
Tracking contamination by Emily Eckroth
The Lummi Nation closes its shellfish farms as common bacteria make their way into the Nooksack River.
Reclaiming the River by Celeste Lymn
A dwindling salmon population in the Nooksack River draws attention to water management issues and tribal treaty rights.
Surrounded by Industry by Nick Jenner
At the core of Seattle’s industrial district, residents of Duwamish Valley breathe some of the city’s most heavily contaminated air.
Food for Tots by Elise Dresel
The Puget Sound Food Hub, a network of 30 local farms, provides fresh produce to low-income preschools in King County.
Drilling Dilemma by Jann Eberharter
Seattle, Washington, becomes an Arctic oil drilling battleground as Foss Maritime holds permits to port oil rigs at Terminal 5.
The Bitter Truth by Emma Stratton
Farm workers in Washington speak out about poor working conditions and pesticide use in agriculture.
Murky Water by Claire Manning
Yakima Valley’s high concentration of dairy farms and manure waste could be the source of contaminants in the area’s drinking water.
Electronic Wasteland by Shauna Brennan
Near the coast of Ghana lies a dumping ground where unprotected workers pull apart electronic waste-posing risks to both the workers and their surroundings.
Publication at Western Washington University
Geographic Coverage
Washington (State)
Environmental Sciences | Higher Education | Journalism Studies
Student publication, Ecology, Environmental Studies
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Carlson, Beth and Huxley College of the Environment, Western Washington University, "The Planet, 2015, Spring" (2015). The Planet. 69.
Subject-Topical (LCSH)
Human ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals; Ecology--Washington (State)--Periodicals
Subject-Names (LCNAF)
Western Washington University--Students--Periodicals; Huxley College of the Environment--Students--Periodicals
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