"The Greater Unconformity" by Emily Ford

Article Title

The Greater Unconformity


Unconformity, Grand Canyon, accessibility, personal narrative

Document Type



In recent light of sexual harassment cases going unaddressed at Grand Canyon National Park and other public lands, there is a need to call out the persistent social, political, and economic structures that allow such acts to occur and go undocumented and unaddressed. A thorough explanation of geologic unconformities, especially the Great Unconformity in the Grand Canyon, is used as a seamless metaphor for a lack of space for women in the outdoors. This graduate capstone presentation includes an exploration of the gender binary, feminism, the geology of the Grand Canyon, the nature of unconformities, intersectionality, and ecofeminism. In conclusion, there are three dimensions of time and space – mental, physical, and verbal – shared as starting points to empower women in a variety of outdoor pursuits. This presentation concludes with tangible steps to empower and diversify participants in outdoor recreation and how to address the large-scale systemic structures that dominate our society and outdoor culture.


personal narratives

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Uncomformities (Geology); Outdoor recreation for women; Ecofeminism; Sexual harassment--United States; Feminism--United States; Space


Copying of this document in whole or in part is allowable only for scholarly purposes. It is understood, however, that any copying or publication of this document for commercial purposes, or for financial gain, shall not be allowed without the author’s written permission.

Subjects - Names (LCNAF)

North Cascades Institute








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