"Nourishing Solidarity: Critical Food Pedagogy and Storytelling for Com" by N. Tanner Johnson


food justice, environmental education, foodways

Document Type



This piece was delivered in four parts in tandem with a four-course meal, with the intention of providing the audience with time to engage in the sharing of their own perspectives around food and eating. Foodways, the particular cultural and social contexts within which food sits offer a unique entry point into deeper, more connective opportunities for environmental education. The food justice and food sovereignty movements provide a foil for traditional forms of environmental education which reinforce settler-colonial narratives about the more-than-human world. Food is something that everyone has some sort of interaction with every single day. At the same time, historically food has been used as both a tool of liberation and oppression. Because of the interconnectedness of food, spirituality and identity, the denial of Indigenous communities of their traditional foodways is an intentional act of cultural genocide. Teaching about and acknowledging these atrocities is a step towards reparations, and inviting discussion about personal connection to food is a way forward. Indeed, the simple act of eating is itself a pedagogical act: it speaks to both the identity of the person who prepared it, as well as to the experience of the eater.


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