Western CEDAR - Scholars Week: Metal Mixture effects on uptake and bioavailability in Lactuca sativa seedlings

Metal Mixture effects on uptake and bioavailability in Lactuca sativa seedlings


Moran, Ian; Smith, Amanda; Charlton, Colton; Sofield, Ruth M.

Research Mentor(s)

Sofield, Ruth M.


Metal pollution is a problem around the world. Metals are generally found in mixtures in the environmental but laboratory tests that measure toxicity of those metals are usually done one metal at a time. In this project, we are testing the toxicity of metal mixtures to Lactuca sativa (lettuce) seedlings and analyzing the mixture effects on accumulation in plant tissue and bioavailability. There is currently limited information about the mechanisms of metal toxicity to plants. This project builds on the work of an accompanying poster, where the additive, synergistic, and antagonistic effects of metal mixture toxicity are being characterized. This project analyzes the same plants for metal concentrations in tissues and uses that data for three purposes: 1) to generate dose-response models with actual tissue concentrations to see how that compares with the results from the mixture toxicity results, 2) to analyze how the presence of one metal affects the uptake of another metal, and 3) to use this information to investigate the mechanisms of metal toxicity to plants. This project is ongoing; tissue samples are currently being measured for metal concentrations and the next steps involve data analysis to determine mixture effects on bioaccumulation.

Document Type


Start Date

17-5-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

17-5-2017 12:00 PM


Environmental Sciences


student projects; posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Plants--Effect of metals on; Metals--Bioavailability; Metals--Environmental aspects




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May 17th, 9:00 AM May 17th, 12:00 PM

Metal Mixture effects on uptake and bioavailability in Lactuca sativa seedlings

Metal pollution is a problem around the world. Metals are generally found in mixtures in the environmental but laboratory tests that measure toxicity of those metals are usually done one metal at a time. In this project, we are testing the toxicity of metal mixtures to Lactuca sativa (lettuce) seedlings and analyzing the mixture effects on accumulation in plant tissue and bioavailability. There is currently limited information about the mechanisms of metal toxicity to plants. This project builds on the work of an accompanying poster, where the additive, synergistic, and antagonistic effects of metal mixture toxicity are being characterized. This project analyzes the same plants for metal concentrations in tissues and uses that data for three purposes: 1) to generate dose-response models with actual tissue concentrations to see how that compares with the results from the mixture toxicity results, 2) to analyze how the presence of one metal affects the uptake of another metal, and 3) to use this information to investigate the mechanisms of metal toxicity to plants. This project is ongoing; tissue samples are currently being measured for metal concentrations and the next steps involve data analysis to determine mixture effects on bioaccumulation.