Western CEDAR - Scholars Week: Framing the Frat Boy: An analysis of frames used in coverage of campus rape by The New York Times

Framing the Frat Boy: An analysis of frames used in coverage of campus rape by The New York Times

Research Mentor(s)

Bowe, Brian J.


Inaccurate and problematic coverage influences how the public processes sexual violence. Frames that misrepresent sexual violence may result in the revictimization of the victim. This study adapted a previous study by searching for monster, playboy, virgin and whore frames in the manifest and latent content of The New York Times coverage of campus rape. The most common frame found in this study was the playboy frame. This study found that The New York Times coverage is far from perfect and could be adjusted to remove problematic frames from future coverage. Keywords: Campus rape, The New York Times, framing

Document Type


Start Date

17-5-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

17-5-2017 12:00 PM




student projects; posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Sex crimes--Press coverage--United States; Press--United States--Public opinion; Women--Violence agains--Press coverage--United States; Journalism--Objectivity--United States

Subjects – Names (LCNAF)

New York times

Geographic Coverage

United States




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May 17th, 9:00 AM May 17th, 12:00 PM

Framing the Frat Boy: An analysis of frames used in coverage of campus rape by The New York Times

Inaccurate and problematic coverage influences how the public processes sexual violence. Frames that misrepresent sexual violence may result in the revictimization of the victim. This study adapted a previous study by searching for monster, playboy, virgin and whore frames in the manifest and latent content of The New York Times coverage of campus rape. The most common frame found in this study was the playboy frame. This study found that The New York Times coverage is far from perfect and could be adjusted to remove problematic frames from future coverage. Keywords: Campus rape, The New York Times, framing