Western CEDAR - Scholars Week: Fashion and Semiotics: How fashion editorials reflected two different yet socially and politically similar years

Fashion and Semiotics: How fashion editorials reflected two different yet socially and politically similar years

Research Mentor(s)

Bowe, Brian J.


This paper looked into the similarities of the year 1968 and 2016 and how fashion and fashion editorials reflected the social and political climate of these two years. By using semiotics we can understand the meanings of the editorial choices and how they reacted to what was happening. This aimed to uncover whether or not the different years of Vogue’s reacted differently by comparing the main editorials of 1968 to 2016, a total of 24 editorials. The research found that the main clothing for 1968 was free fitting and short clothing and the editorials emphasized, versatility movement and travel. By analyzing these meanings we realized the meaning behind these trends was the emphasis of going forward, whether that be with new roles and opportunities for women where they needed clothing to reflect or new innovations such as the jet plane which allowed for people to travel and obtain the fantasy of visiting unknown places. As for 2016, the editorials emphasized unique clothing (nothing was really the same), revolution and individuality, and escapism. The underlying meanings behind this can be attributed to the attitudes of 2016 encouraging people to be who ever they wanted to be. The unwearable and transformative clothing showcased in the 2016 editorials indicated changing into different characters, going along with the idea of revolution and change. The escapist and movie like sets also played into this idea of transforming into a different person with a new world to attend to.

Document Type


Start Date

17-5-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

17-5-2017 12:00 PM




student projects; posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Clothing and dress--Social aspects; Clothing and dress--Symbolic aspects; Fashion----Social aspects; Fashion--History--20th century; Editorials

Geographic Coverage

United States




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May 17th, 9:00 AM May 17th, 12:00 PM

Fashion and Semiotics: How fashion editorials reflected two different yet socially and politically similar years

This paper looked into the similarities of the year 1968 and 2016 and how fashion and fashion editorials reflected the social and political climate of these two years. By using semiotics we can understand the meanings of the editorial choices and how they reacted to what was happening. This aimed to uncover whether or not the different years of Vogue’s reacted differently by comparing the main editorials of 1968 to 2016, a total of 24 editorials. The research found that the main clothing for 1968 was free fitting and short clothing and the editorials emphasized, versatility movement and travel. By analyzing these meanings we realized the meaning behind these trends was the emphasis of going forward, whether that be with new roles and opportunities for women where they needed clothing to reflect or new innovations such as the jet plane which allowed for people to travel and obtain the fantasy of visiting unknown places. As for 2016, the editorials emphasized unique clothing (nothing was really the same), revolution and individuality, and escapism. The underlying meanings behind this can be attributed to the attitudes of 2016 encouraging people to be who ever they wanted to be. The unwearable and transformative clothing showcased in the 2016 editorials indicated changing into different characters, going along with the idea of revolution and change. The escapist and movie like sets also played into this idea of transforming into a different person with a new world to attend to.