Western CEDAR - Scholars Week: Issues with Landlords: An investigative look at failed rental inspections in the York and Sehome neighborhoods

Issues with Landlords: An investigative look at failed rental inspections in the York and Sehome neighborhoods

Research Mentor(s)

Nielsen, Carolyn


An in-depth examination of rental inspection results, as reported by the City of Bellingham, revealed several issues with landlords in the Sehome and York neighborhoods. The data obtained from inspection logs in compliance with the Bellingham Rental Registration and Safety Inspection Program standards implemented in June 2016, along with tenant testimonies, exposed several failed units and landlords that were unresponsive or dismissive to tenant concerns whereas others were decidedly unwilling to maintain units to rental standards. Some of the landlords with failed inspections were repeat offenders. More than 20 tenants were interviewed, however the majority of landlords ignored inquiries or declined to comment on the failed inspections. The data set used in this investigative report only represents York and Sehome, as those were the first two neighborhoods to be inspected at the time of release, equating to approximately 15 percent of the 9,273 city-identified rental units requiring inspection, as of April 2017.

Document Type


Start Date

17-5-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

17-5-2017 12:00 PM




student projects; posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Dwellings--Inspection--Washington (State)--Bellingham; Housing surveys--Washington (State)--Bellingham; Rental housing--Washington (State)--Bellingham

Geographic Coverage

Bellingham (Wash.)




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May 17th, 9:00 AM May 17th, 12:00 PM

Issues with Landlords: An investigative look at failed rental inspections in the York and Sehome neighborhoods

An in-depth examination of rental inspection results, as reported by the City of Bellingham, revealed several issues with landlords in the Sehome and York neighborhoods. The data obtained from inspection logs in compliance with the Bellingham Rental Registration and Safety Inspection Program standards implemented in June 2016, along with tenant testimonies, exposed several failed units and landlords that were unresponsive or dismissive to tenant concerns whereas others were decidedly unwilling to maintain units to rental standards. Some of the landlords with failed inspections were repeat offenders. More than 20 tenants were interviewed, however the majority of landlords ignored inquiries or declined to comment on the failed inspections. The data set used in this investigative report only represents York and Sehome, as those were the first two neighborhoods to be inspected at the time of release, equating to approximately 15 percent of the 9,273 city-identified rental units requiring inspection, as of April 2017.