Western CEDAR - Scholars Week: Improving Chinese to English Machine Translated Messages through Automatic Post-Editing

Improving Chinese to English Machine Translated Messages through Automatic Post-Editing

Research Mentor(s)

Liu, YuDong


Chinese second language learners of English often use Machine Translators (MT) to translate personal and professional messages from their first language to English. MT’s are not perfect and often create messages lacking in coherence. Through Automatic Post-Editing (APE) we hope to develop a tool that will automatically make corrections to the output of the MT in order to make the message more coherent, increasing confidence that the user has in their message. This will allow the users to feel more confident about their personal and professional writing.

Document Type


Start Date

18-5-2017 9:00 AM

End Date

18-5-2017 12:00 PM


Computer Science


student projects; posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Machine translating; Chinese language--Machine translating; Translating and interpreting




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May 18th, 9:00 AM May 18th, 12:00 PM

Improving Chinese to English Machine Translated Messages through Automatic Post-Editing

Chinese second language learners of English often use Machine Translators (MT) to translate personal and professional messages from their first language to English. MT’s are not perfect and often create messages lacking in coherence. Through Automatic Post-Editing (APE) we hope to develop a tool that will automatically make corrections to the output of the MT in order to make the message more coherent, increasing confidence that the user has in their message. This will allow the users to feel more confident about their personal and professional writing.