Generalized Two-Sample t-Test for Box-Cox Transformations of the Sample Means

Research Mentor(s)

Noguchi, Kimihiro


Many fields of experimental sciences are suffering from a widespread reproducibility issue of published results. It has been suggested that this issue stems primarily from an overreliance of hypothesis testing at a significance level of α=0.05 and comparison of p-values as the sole criteria for statistical significance. Replacing these oversimplified methods with more powerful and robust test statistics, combined with meaningful effect size measures and a more stringent significance level of α=0.005, may help to remedy this issue. In this study, we consider a generalization of Welch's two-sample t-test statistic based around transformations of the sample means as a potentially highly robust statistic. Particularly, we have considered Box-Cox type power transformations with the power parameter values k∈[-2,2]. We then performed a simulation study using the gamma, exponential, and chi-squared distributions with various sample sizes to investigate the robustness and power, using α=0.005 as our nominal significance level. We observed that choices of the power parameter values k∈[-1,0] typically provided the most robust statistic with either k=0 or k=-0.5 being the optimal choice considering the balance between power and robustness.

Document Type


Start Date

17-5-2018 12:00 AM

End Date

17-5-2018 12:00 AM




student projects, posters

Subjects – Topical (LCSH)

Research--Statistical methods; Reproducible research; Sampling (Statistics)




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May 17th, 12:00 AM May 17th, 12:00 AM

Generalized Two-Sample t-Test for Box-Cox Transformations of the Sample Means

Many fields of experimental sciences are suffering from a widespread reproducibility issue of published results. It has been suggested that this issue stems primarily from an overreliance of hypothesis testing at a significance level of α=0.05 and comparison of p-values as the sole criteria for statistical significance. Replacing these oversimplified methods with more powerful and robust test statistics, combined with meaningful effect size measures and a more stringent significance level of α=0.005, may help to remedy this issue. In this study, we consider a generalization of Welch's two-sample t-test statistic based around transformations of the sample means as a potentially highly robust statistic. Particularly, we have considered Box-Cox type power transformations with the power parameter values k∈[-2,2]. We then performed a simulation study using the gamma, exponential, and chi-squared distributions with various sample sizes to investigate the robustness and power, using α=0.005 as our nominal significance level. We observed that choices of the power parameter values k∈[-1,0] typically provided the most robust statistic with either k=0 or k=-0.5 being the optimal choice considering the balance between power and robustness.