The Sehome Hill Arboretum is a City of Bellingham park jointly owned and managed by the City of Bellingham and Western Washington University. It is intended to be primarily a natural area, where the undisturbed processes of growth, competition, decay and succession can be observed and studied, and where plant species native to Whatcom County and adjoining counties west of the Cascades will be growing in their natural surroundings.
The Sehome Arboretum is devoted to educational, aesthetic, and low impact recreation and research. As such, low-impact research led by students at Western Washington University and others is encouraged. The results of this research often inform more effective management of the Arboretum and are greatly appreciated.
This collection consolidates research conducted by Western Washington University students, faculties, and others.
Urban Forestry Management Plan: Canopy and Forest Structure Analysis Summary report, Diamond Head Consulting
Biomonitoring of Ramalina farinacea lichens deployed in Seattle, Washington via sequential extraction of metals, Allie Johnson
Sehome Hill Arboretum Trail Decommissioning Follow Up, Calvin Heslop
Phellinus Weirii Root Rot of Douglas Fir in the Sehome Hill Arboretum: Distribution, Impact and Management Options, William G. (William Gary) Cantrell
The Planet, 1990, Winter, Sara Olason and Associated Students Environmental Center, Western Washington University
The Planet, 1988, Volume 09, Issue 01, Heather Koon and Associated Students Environmental Center, Western Washington University
Monthly Planet, 1981, April, Mark Gardner and Huxley College of the Environment, Western Washington University
Résumé, August, 1976, Volume 07, Issue 11, Alumni Association, WWSC
Résumé, October, 1976, Volume 08, Issue 01, Alumni Association, WWSC
Résumé, June, 1972, Volume 03, Issue 09, Alumni Association, WWSC