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Presentation Abstract

Over 200 schools are currently using the Explore the Salish Sea curriculum with the award-winning Explore the Salish Sea: A Nature Guide for Kids book, and SeaDoc has donated nearly 4,900 copies to students in low income and tribal schools. Why? To build a science-literate, traditional knowledge-respecting citizenry who considers the life downstream in their every day and voting decisions. Teaching students science is one thing, but giving students a hands-on opportunity to participate in real science is a surefire way to increase their learning engagement. SeaDoc Society invites you to the table to discover how this curriculum engages students in exploring actual phenomena and solving real problems in the estuary next door. Learn about the growing number of tribal and non-tribal government, university, and nonprofit organizations partnering with teachers to support student learning through oral tradition or research design and implementation and then help turn their science-based recommendations for ecosystem improvement into actual conservation projects. These partnerships are breaking barriers for our next generation to learn the actual process of science, gain perspectives from tribal communities, see themselves as caretakers and scientists, and raise an army of youth taking evidence-based actions to help heal the Salish Sea.

Session Title

Environmental Education

Conference Track

SSE6: Human-Nature Systems

Conference Name

Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference (2022 : Online)

Document Type


SSEC Identifier


Start Date

27-4-2022 11:30 AM

End Date

27-4-2022 1:00 PM


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Apr 27th, 11:30 AM Apr 27th, 1:00 PM

Bring your estuary expertise to students outdoors! SeaDoc Society’s free Explore the Salish Sea curriculum for grade 5 - Just add water...and community partners.

Over 200 schools are currently using the Explore the Salish Sea curriculum with the award-winning Explore the Salish Sea: A Nature Guide for Kids book, and SeaDoc has donated nearly 4,900 copies to students in low income and tribal schools. Why? To build a science-literate, traditional knowledge-respecting citizenry who considers the life downstream in their every day and voting decisions. Teaching students science is one thing, but giving students a hands-on opportunity to participate in real science is a surefire way to increase their learning engagement. SeaDoc Society invites you to the table to discover how this curriculum engages students in exploring actual phenomena and solving real problems in the estuary next door. Learn about the growing number of tribal and non-tribal government, university, and nonprofit organizations partnering with teachers to support student learning through oral tradition or research design and implementation and then help turn their science-based recommendations for ecosystem improvement into actual conservation projects. These partnerships are breaking barriers for our next generation to learn the actual process of science, gain perspectives from tribal communities, see themselves as caretakers and scientists, and raise an army of youth taking evidence-based actions to help heal the Salish Sea.