"Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program" by Johanna Gillham

Senior Project Advisor

Bodensteiner, Leo R., 1957-

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2003


AREMP, Critical habitat


I chose to use my experience as an employee of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in order to fulfill Huxley College graduation requirements, as well as Western Washington University (WWU) Honors Program requirements. Therefore, I completed a term position as a Biological Technician for the Aquatic Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program (AREMP) during the summer of 2003.

AREMP is the watershed condition module of the Interagency Regional Monitoring Program for President Bill Clinton’s Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP). The NWFP encompasses more than 25 million acres of federally managed land in Western Washington and Oregon, and Northwestern California, and is largely based on the management of critical habitat for endangered species such as the Northern Spotted Owl and the Marbled Murrelet. It attempts to balance proper environmental stewardship with economic interests such as timber harvest in the Pacific Northwest. AREMP is one of seven modules developed in an interagency effort to monitor the effectiveness of the Northwest Forest Plan at meeting its intended goals.

I was hired through the BLM Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP) to be a member of a five-person field crew whose primary responsibility was to collect in-channel data. We collected morphological, physical, chemical and biological data in streams within the boundaries of the NWFP.

This report is not an official representation of any of the federal agencies or programs mentioned. Rather, it presents my position at AREMP in the context of public policy and summarizes the NWFP and Monitoring Program while recalling my experience as both a field technician and federal employee.


Environmental Sciences

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Endangered species--Northwestern States; Forest management--Northwestern States

Subjects - Names (LCNAF)

Aquatic and Riparian Effectiveness Monitoring Program

Geographic Coverage

Northwestern States


student projects; term papers




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