"Academics and Outdoor Skills: Integrating Outdoor Skills and Academic " by Melissa Boyer

Senior Project Advisor

Mock, Janet

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 2007


Outdoor skills, Academic crossover


There are many concepts that tie outdoor skills with education (see Appendix A). To model the idea, I picked one main concept (heat) and three outdoor skills topics attached to that concept. The three skill areas are wood fires, cooking with charcoal, and clothing and hypothermia. There is a focus on safety in the outdoors in all three areas.

The three areas follow the same format. At the beginning of the section are several charts outlining key ideas, prerequisites, and possible extensions. This is followed by information providing a background in both outdoor skills and academics for the instructor. Finally there is a lesson on the topic suitable for a small group (such as a Camp Fire club) and a lesson suitable for a classroom. (The section about charcoal has only one lesson, which can be adapted for both environments.)

The lessons have not been tested as they are here. I’ve made changes since teaching some of the lessons and have combined or adjusted things I’ve already taught. I tried to make them as suitable for as diverse of circumstances as possible, but your individual situation and experience will affect exactly how you use them. I’ve made every effort possible, both in lessons and in background information, to provide the highest-quality and most current instruction and information.


Elementary Education

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Outdoor education


student projects; term papers




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