"The Evolution of 'Homo'-nity: An A to Z from Erectus to Sapiens" by Hailee Desrosier

Senior Project Advisor

Tesla Monson

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2022


Human evolution, hominins, science-fiction, Homo erectus, Homo heidelbergensis, Homo neanderthalensis, Denisovans, Homo sapiens, Human experience


Androids and humans have lived alongside each other for a couple of centuries. However, in the 27th century, the United States began planning a contingency plan in case the androids decided to usurp the humans’ rightful place at the top of the food chain. Annie, a student in college, learned one day that what her government had taught her may not be the whole truth—it may not even be the best course of action. Determined to find a way to right that wrong, she enlisted the help of two professors to travel with her throughout time in order to save her country—and species—from early destruction.

As the book moves along, it is important to think about the groups of people who are often cast aside by governments and people in power—people considered “disposable” and “unworthy”. This book argues that diversity and variation is the strongest aspect of what makes humans, well, human. The diversity is what creates humanity, and if the world continues to deem certain groups disposable, humans will lose that humanity. Creating a community that is connected through variation rather than uniformity is the best way to ensure innovation and improve the modern-day human experience. There may be a day humans go extinct, but it should not be due to a government’s desire to produce the best people.



Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Androids--Fiction; Human beings--Extinction--Fiction; College students--Fiction


science fiction




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