
Adam Sorg

Senior Project Advisor

George Zhang

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2023


Disney, theme park, queuing theory, lines


This paper aims to investigate the link between different countries and the organization of their queues. Major queuing differences, like informal queues in Spain and VIP queues in India, have the potential to greatly speed up or slow down operations, though research in this area is sparse. For this study, queue performance will be compared using metrics from the Walt Disney Company’s resort properties, which maintain a high standard of consistency in operations and park construction across borders. The study is conducted by dividing annual attendance by parkwide average wait times, along with the average wait for select attractions like Space Mountain which are identical or effectively identical at each park location. It is discovered that there are significant differences between parks, with Tokyo being the most efficient location, Paris, Shanghai and Hong Kong all being fairly inefficient, and the United States’ parks existing between the two. These discrepancies can best be attributed to differences in Hofstede dimensions, historical attitudes towards lining up and intercultural conflict. Disney can best mitigate these differences by implementing line monitors, reintroducing Fastpass and emphasizing the importance of quick boarding while in line, among other measures.


Decision Sciences

Subjects - Topical (LCSH)

Queuing theory; Amusement parks

Subjects - Names (LCNAF)

Walt Disney Company




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