Senior Project Advisor
Clayton Pierce
Document Type
Publication Date
Spring 2024
cashless revolution, cashless payment, digital payment, cash transactions, socioeconomic inequality, inequity, cashless global society, banked, unbanked, bank account access, central digital bank currencies, cash transaction threshold
This paper analyzes the evolution of cashless payment, known as the cashless revolution, and its complex contributions to socioeconomic inequality. While a cashless global society is ultimately inevitable, it will contribute to significant inequity. People who cannot access bank accounts will struggle to participate in the buying and selling of goods and services. In societies with a weak social welfare net and a low percentage of overall banked citizens, there must be multifaceted solutions to mitigate effects of the ongoing cashless revolution. These solutions include the issuing of central bank digital currencies, financial literacy programs, and economic incentives to offset the cost of accepting cash in a retail establishment below the 'cash transaction threshold'.
Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies
Recommended Citation
McRea, Kaylie, "Examining the Accessibility of Digital Payment: The Rise of Socioeconomic Inequality due to the Cashless Revolution" (2024). WWU Honors College Senior Projects. 798.
Subjects - Topical (LCSH)
Electronic funds transfers; Digital currency; Cash transactions; Bank accounts; Economics--Sociological aspects
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