"Training Patterns of Tactical Athletes" by Emily Elliott

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Date Permissions Signed


Date of Award

Summer 2021

Document Type

Masters Thesis

Department or Program Affiliation


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Health and Human Development

First Advisor

Suprak, David N. (David Nathan)

Second Advisor

Brilla, Lorraine R., 1955-

Third Advisor

Arthur-Cameselle, Jessyca


An online survey was administered to determine what physical fitness training tactical athletes are currently participating in and determine training patterns among the tactical athlete community. One hundred two participants from law enforcement (n = 35), firefighting (n = 11), and military (n =54) were all accepted for this study. The first portion of the survey determined the occupational requirements for physical fitness training. The second portion of the survey determined the frequency, type, and duration of participants’ training within the last six months. This study demonstrated a heavy focus on cardiorespiratory, muscular strength, and muscular endurance in tactical athletes. Training in balance and stability, flexibility and mobility, and speed and agility returned the lowest responses in engagement, duration, and frequency, respectively. The most responses demonstrating physical fitness testing is either never administered or only on an as needed basis. Since most participants are allotted time during their workday to pursue physical fitness training, providing greater access to individualized training may increase the use of that allotted time. Wellness coaches, trainers, or other qualified fitness professionals may find it beneficial to incorporate creativity and personalization to provide training that can increase engagement and achieve transferability to occupational tasks to optimize performance.




Tactical Athlete, Tactical, Firefighting, Military, Law Enforcement, Police


Western Washington University

OCLC Number


Subject – LCSH

Fire fighters--Physical training; Police--Physical training; Physical education and training, Military




masters theses




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